
“Il est aussi complexe et simple que moi”

“Il est aussi complexe et simple que moi”

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On the occasion of the release of the new album “Jukebox”, Jennifer was revealed to our colleagues from Télé-Loisir, today, November 21st. In this interview, the singer earned income in her retro studio with her son Maxim Nucci.

Very carefully. Album Deux ans après la sortie de son No. 9 Jennifer returns to the side of the stage with the disk Jukebox 2002-2012sorting ce vendredi November 22. If she presents her repertoire in September, the premiere season of Star Academy will become part of the best traditions. The 42-year-old singer decided to return and recover. Selecting this book is a long-term income from the interview provided to our friends. Télé-Loisir le jeudi, November 21. “Ce qui m’a convaincue, c’est quand est location l’idée que ce ce ne serait pas une Compilation, mais un album où on revisiterait mes anciens titres, ceux qui ont Tellement compté pour moi et pour le public, afin de leur permettre d’exister différemment”at-elle expliqué.

In this adventure, Jennifer became the assistant of a talented artist. In the recording studio, the former The Voice coach collaborated with ex-son Maxime Nucci. Des Retrouvailles, seize and after separation, what will be imposed as evidence. “In the ensemble toujours eu cette envie de recollaborer. About the excellent souvenir album “Mon troisième” Lunatique (2007). And I, I also admire my work after my debut. Ça allait forcement of arrival, at-elle confié. On the way to this entrance, the mother of the family has nothing to do with the fate of the singer under the pseudonym Yodelis. “Louis, this is quelqu’un d’instinctif, which besoin de ressentir les choses pour les capter, pour pouvoir collaborer. This is not a car, quoi”she’s sure. Une façon de travailler, which corresponds to the pleasure of tonight. “Il est aussi complexe et simple que moi. (Rires) C’est ce que j’aime chez lui. Et au bout de tant d’experiences, de son côté comme du mien, on s’est dit que là, c’était peut-être le moment”in-elle conclusion. A love story that transforms into a beautiful artistic relationship.

PHOTO – Jennifer: What kind of people are these people in life?

Jennifer premieres as suitor of ex Maxim Nucci’s son

When Jennifer and Maxim Nucci separated, they remained on good terms. Preuve en est. Le 15 October dernier, la pétillante brune helped at a private concert by Isabelle Iturburu’s company at the release party at the Ellia gallery, rue Turenne in the 3rd arrondissement of Paris. Suspension plus a minute workout, singer 41 and interpretation of several parts of the new album.

Ravie d’assister this evening, she did not become immortal at this moment on her Instagram account. Jennifer’s temporary Instagram story is dedicated to a video of Yodelisa on stage. Sous une Lumière Rouge et La Guitare à La Main, is a musical sentence in parentheses reminiscent of the notes of people and rock. Having won this performance, Jennifer did not have time to save the talent of her son’s father. “King”, at-elle sobrement écrit. A simple phrase that sounded in admiration for a long time when she was in the port.