
Napoli-Roma 1-0, decide Lukaku’s goal: Conte Torna Primo in classification

Napoli-Roma 1-0, decide Lukaku’s goal: Conte Torna Primo in classification

Monica Scozzafava, invitation to Naples

The San Siro striker took control of Inter as Napoli pulled away from the title race at Di Ranieri’s new Roma. Deciding Lukaku’s goal

Un gol che ti salva la vita, the calcifications are gone. Poi se i tre punti sono un regalo dell’ex, Conte sorry about the volt. Lukakuhe became the new world champion when Napoli became the superhero of Inter, Atalanta and Fiorentina. Alla Roma di Ranieri did not perform miraculous miracles, but my consistency in the phase of defensive Sir Claudio is lo ha ripristinato. If you are in a house with zero points for gypsies, if you apply them, your team will be fat as louis ha chiesto. Svilar non fatante parate e Dovbik Prende una traversa. It’s best to control a 13 point squad in the big no-pass era. Il Napoli Torna da Solo in dough alla classifica, lo fa col suo attacco “povero” (1 goal for three points) and resistance, because all the goals (Inter and Atalanta, as well as Fiorentina did not have time) delle Aversari. Ma tan’è: Conte’s squad deserved victory in Vittoria, for the case when he does not specify the area of ​​piccola (L’errore di Kavara a inizio gara è da penna rossa) for possession of the body and power over the game, for other cases.

Politano sfiora la traversa con un tiro da fuori, e ancora una sfilza di Calci d’angolo – sette soltanto nel primo tempo – che danno il termometro di una gara condotta quasi a senso unico con la prima Roma di Claudio Ranieri. In “Allenatore dei giallorossi” there is a very simple piano part: solidity and organization in the defensive phase, Catenaccio is not owned, and there is an opportunity to make a collision with the speed of El Shaarawy and the physical preparation of Dovbik. Non basta perché il Napoli Accelera, insists on attacking him, Ranieri must take five steps to avoid poisoning from the fascia of Ma Di Lorenzo in that campo and in the serata. His cross (hole and Kwara) appeared on the way to Lukaku. Il centravanti così talko risolve and toglie le castagne dal fuoco. Goal pesantissimo. Gypsy relapse on Dovbik’s path. But not another, but.

November 24, 2024 (edited November 24, 2024 | 8:09 p.m.)