
la Belge n’a pas pu monter dans l’avion car il était…rempli!

la Belge n’a pas pu monter dans l’avion car il était…rempli!

This practice requires more reimbursement for the payer since my actions are authorized

When on vacation, good methods are advertised for making reservations for vacations on my favorite days. The main focus is that some practical techniques can be very helpful.

Par Marion Brigault

Le Skiplaging, une méthode de voyage économique qui semble prometuse, n’est peut-être pas aussi judicieuse qu’elle en a l’air. There are a certain number of risks in this technique that are not conscious before the essay to reduce the number of your books. Voici pourquoi this stratégie, qui gagne en Popularité, pourrait vous clothes des ennuis.


What is a walk?

The pass consists of a reserve with scales or with additional scales, but instead of the final destination of the flight to the final destination, you linger on the scales and do not neglect it. For example, if you are traveling to Athens, the best ticket for you will be Paris-Les Caires with the option to fly up to Athens if you reserve this ticket and you simply book the ticket to Athens, unaware of the last leg of the trip.

And although this idea represents an ideal for economics, it has no consequences. Elephant Clint Henderson, an expert on the air sector interviewed in Le Figaro, believes that this practice is not illegal expression, she understands it as “fraud” in air companies. This may be associated with severe sanctions: a ban on expressing the will of the company, the obligation of the payer to pay a simple fee for lodging, perte de vos de fidélité, voire Fermeture de votre compte fidélité. Some companies may take legal action.

Pourquoi le Skiplaging – it’s risky

The reasons why this method is less risky is because airlines have to feel uncomfortable when they discover this practice. Avec la montée en Popularité du Skilging, notamment aux États-Unis, de plus en plus de passers sont surveillés pour s’assurer qu’ils complètent bien leurs vols. In July 2023, a 17-year-old banned by American Airlines had to take three and then use this lesson: he remained on reserve for a ticket from Gainesville (Fla.) against New York with the opportunity to fly up to Charlotte, but most of all her was out of stock. le second volume.

In addition, there is a risk of being prevented from entering, the pass represents a solution to logistical problems and you will be traveling with luggage along the way. If you check your baggage, baggage envoys are sent to your final destination and you should not go past baggage collection or your baggage control. Limit this technique to what is unique to the traveler with cabin luggage.

Successful success

This is inconvenient, the method used by the pros and cons of travelers is at the point where the platforms are located It was created to help find people who want to cut costs and exploit these failed tariffs. Le site promet de dénicher des billets moins chers que ceux hautellementvisibles sur lesplateformes de reservationclassiques. Focus: Aviation companies operating both plus and plus vigilantes, and this practice will help you operate in the long run, as well as better finance the conditions of flight restrictions.