
Retrouvailles manquées pour le Splendid… Two figures are missing for this joyful meeting

Retrouvailles manquées pour le Splendid… Two figures are missing for this joyful meeting

Couple Louise Martin | Editor

Koh Lanta, Les Marseillais mais aussi Mariés au Premier, with respect… Louise Martin is a television thief who essay, in these hours are lost, de refaire les gâteaux qu’elle admire devant le Meilleur Pâtissier… but she does not risk the pas de deux -collector le tablelier bleu! Les reseaux sociaux n’ont pas de secret pour elle, les derniers scoops, les dernières émissions, elle les connaît tous. She explores the lives of your favorite stars and admires Nicky Doll’s top ten on Drag Race France. Petit plaisir cou

Mercredi, November 20, an hour passed at a party at the Buddha Bar in Paris. The Spear Evening was organized on the occasion of the retreat “Le Splendid par Le Splendid”, held on November 21st. The party of the troupe reunited for this wonderful celebration, but some of its members were delighted with these retrouvales, which occurred after the death of Michel Blanc, which occurred on the night of October 3-4, 2024.

Retrouvailles manquées pour le Splendid… Two figures are missing for this joyful meeting

Suite after commercial

“The Saga of Magnificence, told by pairs of eux-mêmes artists, five minutes after the birth of the troupe. Ce sont les acteurs de tous les superlatifs: super jokes, super cults, super friends for life. Pour la première fois, les voici reunis for the telling of history, a cell of the troupe nominated for “Le Splendid”, which, in quelques années, vu des Copains de Lycée, whistles among the superstars of French comedy…”. C’est ainsi qu’est presenté l’ouvrage paru ce jeudi November 21, aux éditions Le cherche Midi, et baptisé “Le Splendid par le Splendid, nous nous sommes tant marrés!”. In agreement with our brothersIchi Paris, Jean-Pierre Lavoignat, Project Revenue Coordinator. Or an explanation: “Thierry Lhermitte this is an idea that requires the restoration of photographs of staff and commentators. La Mise on the way to the long man“The car is all I need in September, but most of all it sounds in the game and in books without language.”

“À chaque rendez-vous, ils apportaient de nouvelles archives”, s’est-il effectueusement souvenir. Puis d’ajouter: “C’était sans fin. My role is to help synthesize. Josiane Balasko insists that the book be done quickly for a good cause. Ils ont choisi la Fondation pour la recherche médicaledans laquelle Thierry est très impliqué”. Jean-Pierre Lavoigna in balance talk for the last time Telephone conversation with Michel Blanc, two days before his death. “Je l’entends encore me dire: “C’est bien une idee de Thierry, ça!” Comme toujours, Michel awaits his times and everyone. And finally, we see great photographs.”it’s funny. Mercredi November 20, “Joyful Band” is a retro Splendid party experience rich in emotion. On the night of October 3–4, Michel Blanc became the marquis of this sad absence. Ses amis, Gerard Jugnot and son of Patricia Campi, ensemble depuis presque dix ansFellow Australians Thierry Lhermitte, Marie-Anne Chazelle and Bruno Moineau were at the party for Organized evening at the Buddha Bar in Paris. Grand is missing? Josiane Balasko and Christian Clavier, who were unable to free themselves to celebrate their foray into public life. This was the case when it was possible to restore the entire ensemble of Michel Blanc’s funeral.

Michel Blanc confesses

Jean-Pierre Lavoignat, Louis, is a fact of movement and fire among the members of the troupe present. Toujours à nos confrères d’Ichi Parisil avait confié au sujet de la Bande encore amie 50 ans plus tard qu’avec le décès de Michel Blanc “L’histoire du groupe ne sera plus jamais pareille”. Le livre est d’ailleurs “dedier” with regret for the actor, who told me several anecdotes, as well as photographs that could be found in four films. This is a remark made in a meeting with Coluche that was not outdated as he seemed to think.

“Contrairement aux autres, j’ai toujours eu des rapports assez distressed. J’avais une admiration sansbornes pour lui d’un point de vue artique, mais humainement, j’avais plus de mal”at-il confié. A few explanations from the reserve: “Il aim bien avoir une cour autour de lui, You don’t need a lot of parasites, and I, this is me gonflight. And yet, it is obvious. Il Fallait toujours qu’il se trouve une tête de Turc, et je détestais ça”. Voilà qui est dit.