
The government fights inflation and ensures approval control

The government fights inflation and ensures approval control

This is, of course, the Minister of Trade of Cameroon, Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana, President of November 20, 2024, a series of concerts with various actors from the branches of Poisson, Poulet, Boeuf, Yule, Riz and Sucre, in the presence of de representatives of the National Council of Consommation (CONACO) and consumer protection organizations.

As a result, as last year approached the end of the year holidays, the period of traditions was intense, as products of great satisfaction were required, and this meeting was irresistible. This is a question about the barrier to inflation and speculative speculation in the main markets for consumer goods.

It is on this occasion that discussions are taking place within the framework of the Minister of Commerce, and this is happening in the spirit of genuine transparency. Il s’est alors agi de dissiper les inquiétudes nées des rumeurs faisant état de possible poverty.

“The government is working in cooperation with economic operators. Des dispositions nécessaires ont été prizes pour s’assurer qu’il n’y aura pas de Pénurie sur nos Marchés. Le gouvernement veille en étroite collaboration with economic operators,” assured Minister Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana. Additionally, these measures have been lifted to ensure the stability of the prize and prevent all speculation on the ground.

At the same time, the minister met with concerns about contradictory events: “Ceux qui veulent évoluer en marge de la loi, n’auront qu’à repondre de leurs actes au travers des sanctions qui sont prévues.” Nous allons élire domicile dans les marches pour s’assurer que ces prix sont revées.”

Cameroonian consumers are not sure: the national marcha is approved as a product of great consumption, a pendant for the end of the year holidays.

In turn, the director responsible for livestock production in the Ministry of Forests, Fisheries and Livestock, who assists representatives of importers, listed several dozen awards. The principles of building new modern markets and environmental infrastructure operate within the government policy cadres on import substitution.

It will be convenient for Rappeller if representatives of the Ministers of Education, Fisheries and Livestock, Agriculture and Rural Development, as well as the general direction of Duan, are present at the concerts of actors from different industries with the Minister of Commerce.