
Dl Capitali is blind. “Decide Politics”

Dl Capitali is blind. “Decide Politics”

Dl Capitali is blind. "Decide the policy"

His government is moving towards the capital, with a good pace of their conversations to draw attention to the new norms of governing society. Federico Freni (pictured) is an influential separator in the entire economy, in connection with the meeting of the organizers of the associations, the association of categories of funds that most criticize all the reforms. “Public government is a key requirement for the economic life of the country,” Freni said, “there is no revision of what is happening in a long dialogue.” It means “confront all merits and problems, but all is well and politics is what solves.” E la scelta and che su lista del consiglio e voto di lista – tra le misure più talke – Non si Torna Indietro. “Le riforme non si fanno sui giornali,” ha proseguito Freni, “non si fanno con gli annunci o avvelenando i pozzi.” Il riferimento is that it opens the way to the fact that investors have the best quality included in the force of the reform, because it is com’è. “Dialogue doesn’t matter if he always agrees, you listen to everything.” Poi il sottosegretario entra nel Merto: “Se è vero che il voto di lista not è prassi, possiamo dire che nel nostro ordinamento il voto di lista sia la cura giusta per il nostro system.” In accordance with the rules and procedures that must be presented in the list of the administrative board, we are dealing with the fight against influenza in a society where managers are inclined to maintain their own property. He began the battle in Generali and Mediobanca, in Cui i Soci Delfin and Caltagirone, if you sono scontrati con la lista del cda for the control of the proper institution.

Intanto la Consob ieri ha avviato le Consultazioni con il il mercato finanziario sulle disposizioni in materia di lista dei cda uscenti.

The process, which is completed “within the time required for the new procedure of the social organs, which will be completed before 2025,” is the property of what the Generals have achieved success in the primitive state. Un appuntamento dove si misureranno le conseguenze del temuto effetto domino innescato dall’alleanza Bpm-Delfin-Caltagirone nata in the all’operazione Monte Paschi.