
Chi decide sui nostri corpi? Sybil’s Disobedience

Chi decide sui nostri corpi? Sybil’s Disobedience

Sara on the Venerdi stage on December 6th at the theater at Villa Lazzaroni lo spettacolo CHI DECIDE SUI NOSTRI CORPI? Disobedience of Sibylla and Valentina Petrini, original music by Pasquale Filasto and harmonica by Stefano Indino, cello by Pasquale Filasto, voice of Paola Bivona.

Sibylla Barbieri spent five years and death battling a tumor that was not tregua. When Sibylla drew her cancer news that they were not the happiest, she made a decision: not to live at the pace of the final agony, deep sorrow, sleepily, deliriously. Vuole morire in tempo. Ma in Italia il fine vita resta un tabù, notostante diversi Tribunali si siano espressi per affermare che “La libertà personale” and “inviolabile” (Article 13 della Costituzione) and che pertanto il Parlamento è colpevole di not aver ancora legiferato in tal senso.

Sibylla tells the young hero Valentina Petrini about her selts and, in the same letter, tells the story of the last days of her life, the discoveries of all the institutions and the last journey back to Switzerland. L’ultima fatica for freedom. Dopo la Morte, Valentina Petrini got into the compito datole da Sibylla, who had a public influence on her gesture and who was the person who l’hanno helped, tra cui suo figlio Vittorio, che rischia dodici anni di carcere for that, to bring back Surigo, Sibylla’s pigeon ha may have died with medical assisted suicide. One performance of the civil theater, the dialogue of Sibylla and Valentina Petrini, which met in the light of the contradictions with his state, the obstruction of Sibylla, and prima di Leia Englaro, Piergiorgio Welby, DJ Fabo and much more, di issercitare il diritto di choose his own property.