
Il comune di Cernusco Sul Naviglio cerca Personale: Come Candidarsi

Il comune di Cernusco Sul Naviglio cerca Personale: Come Candidarsi

Contracts with indefinite tempo and varied quadrature (quindi anche gli stipendi). The Commune of Cernusco sul Naviglio (Milan) will take over personal law. To do this and select a group, hold a public competition to attract the attention of other professional figures.

Open positions in Cernusco sul Naviglio

Le posizioni aperte – all at an uncertain pace – are guarded and profiles of local police agents for everyone who can see three people, a social assistant, an administrative worker, a technical director and a technical specialist.

The participation task may be completed eventually, and the second position is open, and you will see December 12th and 13th. To submit applications and obtain information, you can visit the portal