
Cosa compare with your post

Cosa compare with your post

WhatsApp has the words “written…” and “audio logged…” with a new icon for all internal chat. Let’s compare three suspension points and a stylish microphone symbol.


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Just try to compare her with other people on WhatsApp”one hundred screenwriter“O”One hundred registrations“. Eppure negli ultimi giorni semper più utenti hanno segnalato che l‘Indicator of digitalization and savings. Al suo posto è comparso microphone or three suspension points right on the chat. At the moment, the new functionality is in the testing phase, with a new comparison of updates. sui dispositivi di tutti gli utenti.

The new feature was announced on WaBetaInfo, a portal specializing in new messaging apps. “Make the latest WhatsApp beta update for Android, Available on Google Play Store and WhatsApp is opening a new feature for digital indicator for individual and group chat! Alcuni beta tester opportunity explore new functionality which is an indicator of digitization aimed squarely at everything‘chat internal interface’” after seeing WaBetaInfo in a blog post.

Come to the new digitalization indicator

The creators of WhatsApp contain the words “written by…” and “recorded audio…” with new icon for internal chat. “First of all, when you participate in a digital stave in a conversation, the digital device indicator at the top of the app, where the group name is shown, indicates that the digital stave,” WaBetaInfo said. Comparative data Tre Puntini di Sospensione when you write a message, itmicrophone icon There will be high-quality sound recording.

If you want to record WhatsApp voice messages in Messages: come to the feature you all expect

“With this addition, a digital recording indicator or display of a direct message about a conversation, like a ball in a chat, makes it faster and easier to identify the user. Chi hundred digitando it was distogliere l’attenzione dalla conversazione in corso.”

Se più utenti all’interno di un gruppo scrivono contemporaneamente un messageaggio le loro del profile icon device or the entire internal chat. First of all, WhatsApp will only indicate the name of the person you wrote with the indication “senza alcuna indicazione se altri stavano scrivendo contemporaneamente” by clicking WaBetaInfo. “Questa modifica lo rende” most intuitive and convenient for each user, special chat in a group of partners, more participants are needed write messages or register voice notes at the same time

WABETAINFO | New WhatsApp features

WABETAINFO | New WhatsApp features

Latest news about the transition to WhatsApp

WhatsApp has announced a new feature for recording and voice messages. If you want to customize iOS as well as Android, you can convert audio clips into tests: in this mode, sapranno and vocal content, ever non sono in a kindergarten setting.

The messaging app is now introducing a new WhatsApp feature that can help you find good messages. Mark and incomplete texts directly in the email chat that do not match the first conversations in order to control them in the messages that were invited. Sarano identification new label “Bozza” direct access to chat.