
“Ukraine” presented “Fragments of a new Russian rocket” after frapping on the Dnieper

“Ukraine” presented “Fragments of a new Russian rocket” after frapping on the Dnieper

“Secret Services of Ukraine” (SBU) on the mountain go to a small group of journalists, not AFP, “fragments of a new Russian ballistic missile”, identified women belonging to Russian President Vladimir Putin as “Orechnik”, an armed untrained person -là qui a frappé selon lui use of weapons in the Dnieper.

In those hours when the Kremlin was present as a “signal” in the West and in Kyiv, Vladimir Putin wanted to return to the Russian frapp with a new hypersonic missile, which he received the christening “Orechnik”.

The “Russian Army” is an experimental missile in “response” sitting in the Kremlin, the latest attacks by the Ukrainians are less opposed to Russia with American and British missiles.

Dimanche, le SBU Ukraine a Montré à un Petit Groupe de Journales, dont l’AFP, des métalliques, plus ou moins grands, alignés sur un faux gazon, issus d’un rocket russe tiré jeudi, submite-t-il, contre city Dnieper, the city of “Orechnik” and frappe selon Moscou l’usine du groupe ukrainien PivdenMach, which produces notes of rocket components.

A meeting with the SBU is a robbery in a place where a secret is located for security reasons.

In this case, the Ukrainian SBU did not confirm the publication that they removed the wreckage of Orechnik, but this is confirmation that this is a “premiere for everyone”, that Ukrainian forces are flying at a shell from Orechnik. Debut of “Russian Invasion in February” 2022.

“C’est la première fois que des debris d’un tel rocket sont retrouvés sur le territoire ukrainien,” – an indication of the SBU request on behalf of Oleg.

“Cet objet n’avait jamais été documenté par les enqueteurs de sécurité auparavant”, they confirmed for an encore, explaining that “a ballistic missile”, which corresponds to “Orechnik”.

L’enqueteur is confident that Kyiv will receive “answers” ​​to the exact characteristics of the rocket.

Selon Vladimir Putin, who described some of the characteristics of Orechnik, this hypersonic missile “in an intermediate port” could be called Mach 10, so “at a speed of 2.5 by 3 kilometers per second.”

Vendredi, during a televised reunion with the military officials in charge, the Kremlin head waiter assured that Moscow has a reserve of these missiles “prêts à l’emploi.”

Il également ordonné sa Production en Série and Son Use Ultérieure Lors d’Essais, Notamment “en Situation de Combat”, after we see how Russia faces all scenarios in its conflict between Ukraine and the West.