
Baerbock called “time of crisis” at UN climate conference

Baerbock called “time of crisis” at UN climate conference

NUR FÜR AFP-ABONNENTEN (NO RESALE) BAKU, ASERBIDCHAN 22. NOVEMBER 2024 QUELLE: UN CLIMATE CHANGE 1. 00:00-00:16 O-TON 1 – Annalena Bärbock, German Foreign Minister (Frau, Germany, 16 sec .) : “This crucial hours at the climate conference and, in basketball, in this case one could say: we are approaching a “critical moment.” And, as is usually the case at the “critical moment”, the clock ticks relentlessly, and then the game usually gets tougher. And all the experts are here in the room. those who have been to many climate conferences know that this has happened at almost every climate conference and is happening again now.” “Es sind entscheidende Stunden auf der Klimakonferenz und, im Basketball, in diesem Fall würde man sagen: wir nähern uns dem “CrunchTime”. Und wie das in einer “CrunchTime” so üblich ist, die U hr tict unerbärmlich und dann wird das Spiel Auch Meistens ruppiger Und alle Expertinnen und Experten hier im Raum, die schon auf vielen Klimakonferenz waren, die wissen, dass das bei so Gut wie Klimakonferenz der Fall war und auch jetzt wieder ist. 2 – Annalena Berbock, Minister of Foreign Affairs Germany (Frau, Germany, 29 sec): “However, it has always been clear that climate finance will not work without reducing CO2 emissions, because we will no longer be able to pay for the damage in this world at all if we do not move quickly towards the goal. 1.5 degrees, because every tenth degree of global warming just makes the damage more and more expensive.” Reduzierung funktioniert. Grad Erderwärmung macht die Schäden einfach immer teurer.” 3. 00:45-01:07 O-TON 3 – Annalena Bärbock, German Foreign Minister (Frau, German, 22 sec.): “Obviously, some came here with a different goal, namely to roll back what we have achieved the last ones. in Dubai on the issue of reduction. We have heard repeatedly from Saudi Arabia that what has already been decided should not be taken for granted and should not simply be reintroduced into the text.” “Offensichtlich manche mit einem anderen Ziel angereist, nämlich das zurückzudrehen, was wir gerade bei der Frage Minderung letztes Jahr in Dubai erreicht haben. Selbstverständlichkeit ist und nicht einfach so in den Text wieder hineinkommt “.