
La moitié de la France sous la neige en Novembre: depuis combien de temps ça n’était pas arrivé?

La moitié de la France sous la neige en Novembre: depuis combien de temps ça n’était pas arrivé?

L’épisode neigeux qui atraversé la France ce jeudi est precoce pour la saison, selon les météorologs.
Although it is premature, this is the number of departments that are concerned about what happened this year in terms of mutual understanding with previous events.
The 20-hour log showed that these were exceptional features of this phenomenon.

Complete completion of the couverture

Neige, verglas: France is face to face with a new troubled frost.

De l’Eure, au Cotantin, en passant par la Seine-Maritime, la neige s’est invitée jeudi sur une bonne party de la France, as an illustrated report and tete-de-this article. At the evening, after everyone has paid, you come out for an encore in orange, in 43 departments, not 31 for neige et verglas. This is in Val d’Oise, in the project of kilometers of Roissy-Charles de Gaulle airport, which has not been registered even once, and this is very important. A phenomenon created by plus and plus, rare in the Parisian region.

If there is no trend towards climate change, then unexpected episodes, like in the sky, what happens with the Hexagon, are strong encores and rare.


Meteorologists are unanimous: “A new episode that begins with a game is a premature start to the season; we have a car for an encore in the fall.” “On n’est pas encore en hiver météorologique, les incursions d’air froid sont moins fréquentes évidemment qu’en period hivernale”, Details in the report and in this article: Frédéric Long is the harbinger of Météo-France.

De l’avis des spécialistes, ce qui est particulièrement étonnant cette année, c’est aussi et surtout le nombre de departements anxiety. To return to an episode similar to that time period, it went back to November 21, 2013, and some important events were not available to the balai in France in the south or north. In 2010, another important episode was released in November, between November 25 and 30.

De nouvelles chutes de neige party?

Aussi intense and premature, this episode will be judged. After lunch in the detailed map in the video, the massive cold air will bring you the Arctic Circle, which is part of the Neige, presented in blue, restoring the moitié nord de la France, as it is sold among the midi. In the bathroom it is quickly replaced by a mass of air that comes to the south.

“Alors c’est un phenomène relative court, pourquoi? Parce qu’on a une une depression très active mais qui passe très vite, avec d’ailleurs des vents violent actions that cause acceleration d’ouest en est”, explains Evelyn Deliate, head chef of the TF1-LCI weather service, before starting preparations for the daily laying. “On the weekend, on relocation to the air flow with extreme air and water, ce sera printanier.” It was 15 degrees in Rennes and 20 degrees in the south.

TF1info Editorial TF1 Report – Nicolas Robertson, Amelie Doudin