
The saga is not over, it’s another gas bomb

The saga is not over, it’s another gas bomb

Rieccoci con la poco edificante saga dei rifiuti abbandonati vicino ai cestini. A situation that is not accelerating, and continues to create tension due to additions to the set, and the pace of obfuscation in the syndac, which may require new skills. In this situation, the situation is not the best: in those days when the Lecco killer is a practical method of any type of spill, squeezing a gas bomb – if you spray quantum gas – which corresponds to part of the spill category Special pericolos, in the event that domestic there are gas or dirt residues.

Rifiuti Lecco November 22, 2024 2

The situation in which the photograph is described did not go unnoticed. Alternative, leisurely, sono comparative stamp, toner, tolle di vernise, fans, computer, onduline smears, ceramics of different types, saldatrisa and ferri da stiro. Il tanto contestato “braccialetto” means the color that occupies the place of the holy place of our guests – the Sindacal pinnacle for hiderne la rimozione and anchora aperta – non ha cambiato la situazione: il new piano messo in the land of the commune of Lecco and da Silea no è riuscito porre un freno a un qualcosa che si trascina ormai da tanti anni.

Lecco prepares entertainment for a larger city

La Ribellion dei Lavoratori Econord

La vertenza dei lavoratori Econord ne si farm. I’m spending time in the city while I’m on my way to war and cause deli. smart cart and they control what does not increase confrontation, but is not part of non-citizenship, which does not accelerate to decrease. For this reason, I confirmed that I am currently in the syndacato Usb Bergamo: “​​​I lavoratori Econord di Lecco, addetti alla raccolta dei rifiuti nella cittadina, continuano a denunciare le condizioni nelle quali sono Costretti a lavorare – spiega la sigla -. Electronic braccialetto to go down and pass by someone who is in motion and that he controls the position of the body in real time; Handle handles, many rifiuti inside all campane degli indumenti and on the neck. Condizioni che edono la sicurezza dei lavoratori e che, pertanto, segnaleremo all’ispettorato del lavoro.”

Vertenza dei Lavoratori Econord

Quello del cattivo utilizzo dei cestini is a common sad problem. At the beginning of 2023, the Commune of Lecco was free of entertainment smart cart: I 620 raccoglitori installati in città sono stati dotati di un codece a barre che, a ogni passaggio, gli addetti alla raccolta devono “convalidare” attraverso un correspond tra l’etichetta installata sul Single raccoglitore e il braccialetto dato in dotazione all’incaricato; il segnale viene quindi transmesso al centero di controllo e permette di tenere traccia del lavoro svolto.Cestini Intelligence Lecco

But in order to go through so many days passed, it is a problem of bad manners and a bad suit, which are very difficult to quickly care for good communications in a large part of the city: no and difficult, infatti, to find the sacchetti left on the day and alone and alone . , because it is cyclical and tested by increasing situations for Kapolets’ life.

La Lettera Al Sindaco Gattinoni

“Dopo il nostro ultimo incontro abbiamo deciso di inviare una pec al sindaco di Lecco to ensure immediate uncontrolled condition to improve working conditions and support to guarantee the safety of everyone. In the passage we are sure that we trust the dialogue with Econord most of all, if I am always stato negative, but we are not our high rap presentative in the entire internal world of stability, in the event that it is not a national contract company. Continuing to read the preliminary letters about the competition and non-confrontation of our discoveries, which may have been caused by the intention to save, in conflict with the 300/70 stage, and in the toilets in sight of the requested RSU and RLLSA elections. Volta and the toilets were not saved from the pride of the father and the indifference of the institutions to get a response from Primo Cittadino in Lecco and the toilets continue to return the money and restore them and return the property to its place. Lavoro.”