
Il Comune suggests that 13 psychologists come, l’assessore Falzone: “Obiettivo raggiunto”

Il Comune suggests that 13 psychologists come, l’assessore Falzone: “Obiettivo raggiunto”

Stoscritti and contratti di lavoro for re-inclusion in the 13 communities that have taken on the profile of “psychologists” and are not the best – come to the “specialties in the field of social assistance”. Le Firme Sono State Messe Questa Mattina Nella Sede dell’area Risorse umane dell’Assessorato al Personale. Expert Dario Falzone: “This is a case to see my disappointment, because the firm of new contracts assumes a permanent and alternative value that has ultimately brought success to these professionals, virtuoso performers in the studio and professionals, messo fino and again in a second.” piano.”

Sull’assunzione degli psicologi al Comune interviene anche Nicolò Scaglione del Csa Cisal): “Obiettivo raggiunto – ha detto -. Da oggi il Comune potrà contare su 13 psychologists helping to bring back to justice those who hold titles and competence. professionals, Fino and Ieri If we do justice to the knowledge that is important for our competence and professionalism, then our management organization has a clean and final solution, resulting in the sensibility of community management.”