
I have ordered the arrest of Corte Penale under the control of the Prime Minister of Israel and the former gallant minister

I have ordered the arrest of Corte Penale under the control of the Prime Minister of Israel and the former gallant minister

We are talking about “widespread attacks and systematic targeting of the civilian population of Gaza”, war crimes and the fight against humanity in Strišija. Mandate of arrest against Mohammed Deif, the second Israeli to be eliminated in the bombing

La International Penitentiary CourtThe world’s premier international tribunal for war crimes and control of humanity has a mandate to arrest the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and for former minister della Difesa in Israel Yoav Gallant Nell’ambito della Guerra a Gaza. I ordered his arrest in the holding cell of the International Penitentiary Commission. The body camera was unanimously granted for the arrest Mohamed Diab Ibrahim Al Masriciamato Deifche però Israel aveva fatto sapere di aver ucciso in un bombardamento nella Striscia lo scorso luglio.

The cell’s motivation remains “crimes against humanity and war crimes throughout October 8, 2023, until May 20, 2024, on which day the arrest warrant is kept at the prosecutor’s office.” La nota parla di “un attacco diffuso e” systematically “Control of Gaza’s civilian population.” In March 2023, the era became a turning point Vladimir PutinPresidente della Russiawar crimes charge for invading a countryUkraine scattata nel febbraio del 2022. La Corte aveva detto di avere “ragionevoli motivi per ritenere” che Putin fosse “responsible for crimes during the war” deportation illegal settlement and illegal movement of the population on the territory of occupied Ukraine in the Russian Federation, as well as children of Ukraine.”

Le accuse all former ministers of Gallant

Galant and state license from the beginning of November, the era of the minister della Difesa and the stato sostituito minister degli Esteri Israel Katz. A decision that will be circulated in Israeli media in some countries. The gallant Likud party, the strong party of Netanyahu, the era in contrast to the prime minister, across the road from its opposition to the legge to the military change ultra-Orthodox and a few more differences that lead the military operations in Gaza. The Prime Minister received the license to issue the license in March 2023, and when the conflict first erupted when the minister brought the competition to an end reform della Justitia Che aveva portato in Piazza Milhaia di face of protest.

L’anuncio del licenziamento in priavera aveva provocato Due Giorni di Grandi Manifestazioni. Netanyahu received a license that is “significantly different from me, and I am gallant in the proposal of gestione della.” Campania militaryand these differences in the state are accompanied by differences and asions, which may be contrary to the government that decides the case. Ho compiuto sforzi richetuti for colmare queste divergenze, ma si sono only allargate.” Gallantly kept his distance from the rotten earth. “La mia posizione molto Harda sulla” coskritsione Universale, l’impegno, to go far into the house of gli Ostagi e il myo appello for the form Inchesta commission state to fall on October 7.”

Accusation of genocide against Israelis in South Africa

Have a wonderful December 2023. Sudafrica Aveva Accusato Israel alla Corte Internazionale di Giustizia dell’Aia per genocide Nella Striscia di Gaza. “Israel’s gliati and omissions condemning South Africa are the type of genocide that could provoke the destruction of a single national group that divides ethnic Palestinians.” Other countries – Spain, Messico, Colombia, Nicaragua, Libya and the Palestinian Authority – were not among the first to be brought before the International Judicial Commission of the African Court of Justice and were not charged.

Charged with crime in war against Mohamed Deif, Hamas capo

La Camera della Cpi has the idea that there is no “di Stabilire Se Deif sia stato ucciso e sia ancora in vita” in Grado. Deif è Stato Incriminato dalla Corte “for preliminary crimes”. control over humanity War crimes and crimes on the territory of the State of Israel and the State of Palestine only on October 7, 2023.” Anche Ismail Chania e Yahya SinvarThe Palestinian terrorist organization became the destination of an arrest mandate from the International Penitentiary Commission. Sono therefore eliminates the difficulties associated with Israeli services, and because it is the richest cadet. “L’accusa continua a indagare sui crimini nel conflitto in corso e prevede che verranno presentate ulteriori domande di mandato d’arresto”, si legge ancora nella nota della Corte.