
David Beg Knows Chattanooga and Tells His Story

David Beg Knows Chattanooga and Tells His Story

CBS’ David Begnaud shares his story of becoming a famous journalist with News 12’s Chip Chapman.

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (WDEF) – CBS’ David Begnaud was sent to Chattanooga to find a story in 48 hours, and he took the time to stop by News 12 to tell us his story.

As part of his “Beggar Knows America” ​​segment on CBS Mornings, Begnaud is sent to a random location and must find a story within 48 hours that will “set his soul on fire.” He was sent to Chattanooga, Tennessee for this week’s segment. After visiting Coolidge Park and the Walnut Street Bridge, he discovered the story of two men who are both on journeys of discovery and self-expression.

In search of a story that showcased America’s better angels, Benyo visited the News 12 station to meet with staff and interview Chip Chapman.

The positions were reversed as this time Benyo had to tell his story.

He started his journalism career at a very young age when someone commented on his strong voice and his career began while he was in college. Eventually, he was hired by CBS and became the face of all man-made or natural disasters. After facing burnout from covering heartbreaking news, he switched to covering heartbreaking stories, which led to the creation of Panhandler Knows America.

To watch this week’s episode or learn about “Beggar Knows America,” visit the CBS website and tune in every Monday morning for the latest news.