
Denunciation model for sessional violin

Denunciation model for sessional violin

Model Jennifer Ahn said she was in an abusive relationship with Kanye West’s part on the set of this music video in September 2010.


Kanye West è Stato Accusato di Violenza sessuale da Jennifer Ahnmodel who denounced the rapper on November 22 in a press release of the Corte Distrettuale degli Stati Uniti for Meridionale di New York. Reply to notification and status NBK. The charge was made in September 2010, while we were part of all the events surrounding the artist’s music video at the Chelsea Hotel in New York. Law will soon take away West’s former assistant, intending to make it his reason to control Louis.

Denunciation of Jennifer Ahn

Secondo la denuncia, Jennifer An Sarebbe stata vittima di aggressive behavior in relationships with Kanye West. Le accuse Rizalgono in 2010, a period in which it is compared to the rapper’s video clip. The artist was prepared to supervise the production before starting work, selecting a filleted model for “judgment”. “Dummy asian clothes“avrebbe detto scegliendo An. Successivamente la donna sarebbe stata condotta nella camera di West dove il rapper avrebbe infilato le dita in gola alla modella soffocandola e urlando: “This is art, this is art. Sono as Picasso“.

Jennifer’s parole in response to Kanye West allegations: “This cause will most likely help create a better world in the world”

Jennifer Ahn ha spiegato che spera che questa causa”contributing to creating a better world for new and upcoming artists“. La modella ha aggiunto che le donne nell’industria musice e nell’intrattenimento sono state trattate Come Oggetti, vittime di Abusi sessuali per anni”you have the opportunity to talk or learn to communicate“. Jesse S. Weinstein, l’avvocato di An, ha fatto sapere di not poter fornire fornire ulteriori dettagli oltre a quelli presenti Nella Denuncia. In un comunicato Stampa Diffuso dal Legale Si Legge:

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If you listen and have the privilege of representing Sig.ra An, he can manage a lot of people, not to mention manage his people and the most powerful enterprises in the entertainment industry. All voices matter, and the West cannot abdicate responsibility for its success and its visibility.