
Microsoft has added Edge-Browser to the Game Bar › Dr. Windows

Microsoft has added Edge-Browser to the Game Bar › Dr. Windows

Microsoft has added Edge-Browser to the Game Bar › Dr. Windows

With the Xbox team, you can use Entwickler, which hints at Microsoft Edge, and you have a new feature for the Game Bar, with Microsoft’s browser and Windows gamer when it works very well. With Game Assist, you can use the new version of Edge as a widget in Anwendung and then see a preview so you can easily launch the Edge beta.

Ohne Hintergedanken ist das natürlich nicht. If you don’t want to use the feature, use Microsoft Edge as your default browser and current versions of Game Bar for Windows 11, which are not supported. Windows 11 uses all versions from 22H2, which are standard Insider channels. Preview is active but must also be enabled separately. Microsoft may provide feedback from the tester.

Game Assist provides you with the same information using Microsoft Edge, which can be used for all dates that can be used and that can be used. Eine wesentliche Idee ist dabei auch, dass man schneller nach Tutorials, such as or corresponding topics that can be used on Twitch or Discord.

Momentan ist die Preview zudem auf einige ausgewählte Spiele begrenzt. Daza was blocked by Minecraft, Valorant, Fortnite, Baldur’s Gate 3, League of Legends, Diablo IV, Roblox, Overwatch 2 and Hellblade II: Senua’s Sacrifice.

Uber-day Author

Kevin Kozuszek

Kevin Kozuszek

Seit 1999 bin ich Microsoft eng verbunden und habe in diesem Ökosystem meine digitale Heimat gefunden. In November 2016, when Dr. Windows stopped at all innovations in Laufenden, Microsoft introduced open source projects and Entwicklerplattform zu berichten Hat. Get new news from Mozilla and my digital tags, plus more.