
Global intifada as food supply continues and Hezbollah’s silence against Unifil, genocide charge, Aya against Bibi

Global intifada as food supply continues and Hezbollah’s silence against Unifil, genocide charge, Aya against Bibi

The escalation of control over Israel is taking alarming measures. I tick and fight (compresi quelli del Governmento Italiano) and le lenti to correct global myopia. Elogie by Bernard-Henri Lévy, Telegraph and Wall Street Journal

And this was done at the appointed time. First of all, the pogrom in Amsterdam involved one of the most famous Israeli calcium squads, which ended up on the street where the murders were committed. So, the accusation of genocide arrived on the scene first of all to the commission for the unification of nations and was sent directly from Santo Padre. Today, due to the fact that the wealthy international Corte del Aia di arrested the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin NetanyahuWelcome to the celebration from the funniest man in favor of this policy that could be sent to the European Union, Josep Borrell. E infine, notizia di Ieri, le reazioni incredibili della Politica Italiana alla notizia dei razzi di Hezbollah piovuti sulla base Unifil in Libano dove si trovano gli Italiani.

The global intifada of the fight against Israel is food, varied, but the only conductor who wants it to be generous could prove that it is synthesized, because myopic myopia does not allow the metter and fuoco le coordinates of escalation of the everyday escalation that can be done in advance, in fat for him. peace, control folk art and myopic myopia to fight everyone A cultural, political and humane tic that contributes to the transformation of life in the life of an attack on genocide as a result of ferocity that has no precedent for a great global crime. I tic sono molti, compreso quello che ieri ha invested in the Italian government, che piuttosto che rovesciare la propria rabbia contro i Hezbollah terrorists, che hanno Ferito quattro Italian soldiers in Lebanon, ha denunciato l’accaduto in neutral mode, arrived in a terrible situation, come on ha fatty or minister Crosettoche l’esercito israeliano deve smetterla di “use basi del ona when it’s tight”when the government is not reasonable, how many tunnels and how many attacks on the Hezbollah base have been created according to all the Unifil bases, which have no difference in the international community. And for this, in the ocean of glosses predicting montanti control over the Jewish people, when you try to prove that this is a tick, what proves that it is boring and prejudiced against the Israelis, something that those who inform gli okchiali to correct This is global myopia, quel qualcuno Merita di essere elogiato.

Merita di essere elogiato, according to the example, Bernard-Henri Levy, che sulle pagine del Point, ieri, who wrote that he speaks of life in Gaza and a very moral spirit ma è anche un dovere morality non dimenticare che quando si parla di genocide in Israel, si corre il rischio di “passare dal conspiracy of Judeo-Masonic, or Judeo-Boltzevik, or Judeo-capitalist, al conspiracy of Judeo-genocide di, where are they all were gli ebrei del mir sono piu o meno accomplices.” Merita di essere elogiato il Telegraph, Che ieri offered the English government, but was not complicit in the disgusting tradition of Israel, dimostrare una true morality of leadership in Europe and diciarare that it is mandati di cattura “sono una vuota presa in giro della giustizia e di prendere considering l’idea di punishment in the form fine for Corte Internationale. The merits of Essere elogiato, Infine, and also the Wall Street Journal, that in a formidable editorial, ieri, ha ricordato, parlando della Corte penale, quanto sia assurda l’accusa di aver usato “la fame came to the method of war”, This month, Israel facilitated the transfer of another 57 million aides and 1.1 million tons of aid, but this is a very good part of this aid now, when you turn a blind eye to further Hamas efforts, and it makes an interesting point. The one who played the dice in the battle was not alone in the fate of Israel, but had a mandate to arrest the CPI in the battle for the biggest great idea: the idea of ​​​​initiating the disarmament of a quality Western democracy willing to respond to the challenge of the strength of all the atrocities of the terrorists and the Statue of Kanaglia. The global fight against the intifada is happening thanks to the type of choice. As a second anti-Semite, myopia or warning gli occhiali in order to prove the freedom that Israel protects while we live. I don’t like watching Scegliere da che parte because it’s difficult.

  • Claudio Serasa Director

  • He was born in Palermo in 1982, lived in Rome at a leisurely pace from 2005 to 2005 and was a director in 2015. Wrote such a book (“Le catene della destra” and “Le catene della sinistra”, with Rizzoli, “Io non posso tacere”, with Einaudi, “Tra l’asino e il cane. Conversazione sull’Italia”, with Rizzoli , “La Presa di Roma”, with Rizzoli and “Ho visto l’uomo nero”, with Castelvecchi) and in Twitter. E’ interista, ma soprattutto palermitano. You played in Green Day, the Strokes, the Killers, the Turtles and the Ostriches. Because of bullshit.