
Marion County is looking forward to the 43rd annual Marion County Chili Cookoff.

Marion County is looking forward to the 43rd annual Marion County Chili Cookoff.

GAINESVILLE, Fla. (WCJB) – The first Saturday in November means one thing for Ocala residents: the 43rd annual Marion County Chili Chefs Festival.

The Marion County chili cook-off program began in 1981 to raise money to open The Cornerstone School, a private institution in Ocala focused on the well-rounded education of children.

“It was something that hadn’t been done, it was something different,” commented school administrator Annie Darley. “It was an opportunity for people to show off their cooking skills and we follow the chili guidelines: there can’t be any beans in the competition chili, so it’s really just tasting the spices that you put in your chili.”

43 years later, Cornerstone School has strengthened its position with the annual chili cook-off, which has become a staple in the community and a connector for local businesses, giving them the opportunity to build relationships.

“It’s a great way to boost the morale of your business because they get together, work side by side, serve chili, and it’s just a great time to showcase what you do in an environment where people are coming. you.”

Naturally, there will be chili, but there will also be a car show, carnival games, sand art and more.

With over 5,000 people attending the event each year, there is something for everyone.

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