
The conductor found death after reaching the gas box

The conductor found death after reaching the gas box

Ce Samedi vers 18 heures, un homme a perdu la vie à la suite d’un accident on the Aiguillon route (Lot et Garonne). Shock is extreme cruelty. The conductor completes the course in the gas box, causing the channel to rupture. Les pompiers ont mis plusieurs heures à maîtriser les flammes, rapporte le site

Les circonstances de l’accident sont encore floues. A motorist lost control of his vehicle in department 642 before Miai was assigned. Today, when you pierce the telephone cable, you can pierce the electric boiler before connecting to the gas pipeline. L’adjoint au maire, qui s’est déplacé sur Place, resembles a flame six meters high.

Sewer rupture that exposed residents to gas

Une vingtaine de pompiers is an intervention on the spot. For safety reasons, a security perimeter has been established at a distance of 650 meters from the fire site. Vers 22 hours, after Venus appeared before the ominous battle, les secours n’ont pu que constater le décès du Conducteur.

This is a dramatic accident that resulted in a gas explosion in the foyer of Aiguillon and the commune of Voisines. GRDF agents are deployed to expedite the situation. Time for repairs, on the gas pipelines in Pau and Toulouse, he must guarantee approval.