
Pré de Nice. Un nouveau quartier arrives at the parking lot, says à quoi ça va ressembler

Pré de Nice. Un nouveau quartier arrives at the parking lot, says à quoi ça va ressembler

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In September it is a park that has a book. Of course it would be a quarter. Jeudy, November 21, 2024, la Ville et son partenaire Bouygues Immobilier ont annoncé le lancement du chantier de l’écoquartier Canebiers-Villette in Cagnes-sur-Mer, Pré-de-Nice (Alpes-Maritimes)

Forest grass debut and debut in 2025.

New offer for 50,000 Kanua

485 cradle will take place in 2027 and debut in 2029. In detail, 110 auditions for seniors, 31 among students, 86 auditions on social networks, not two adapted by HandiToit, 156 in the public domain and 102 in the region in between. All beneficiaries of the external space, in studio studios.

Large plateaus (240 m²) with Australian programs.

Les bâtiments composant l’ensemble seront majoritairement des P+4 (un rez-de-chaussée puis quatre étages), donc de faible hauteur.

Video: this moment in action

510 parking spaces

The new quarter of Canebier-Villette is “an extension of the center of Ville.” The entrance to nearby trade and restaurants should become a place where a nursery and “space for social and solidarity economy initiatives”, the announcement of the immobilier promoter.

20 restaurants and shops in the surrounding area of ​​Seronta are presented in the new eco-apartment of Kanua, on the horizon in 2029.
20 restaurants and shops in the surrounding area of ​​Seronta are presented in the new eco-apartment of Kanua, on the horizon in 2029. (©Bouygues Immobilier)

Outdoor charity quarter with 510 spaces open and public parking. 850 m² photovoltaic panels restore all volume and energy produced, both whey and consumption, or income if they are surplus. La livraison – previous trimester 2026.

65% free space

Bouygues Immobilier s’engage à ce le chantier soit decarboné. Carbon-based concrete is the preferred concrete standard and saves 8,500 tons of CO².

60% chauffeur and bati cover must be guaranteed renewable energy sources To install geothermal probes and gray water, use in-house staff to create an ensemble of spaces that make up a neighborhood.

L’Ecoquartier Canebiers-Villette, labellisé ÉcoQuartier par le ministère du Logement, s’inscrit dans la demarche de renaturation de la Riviere La Cagne, associée à la végétalization des espaces public initiée par l’aménageur et la Ville. The operation was put into effect as part of the demarche to label BiodiverCity Ready.

Bouygues Immobile
Press release

The goal of the project is respect for biodiversity and the proximity of residents to nature.

L’écoquartier Final sera consists of 65% top space, with 400 trees and plus 50 canned goods. Les terres excavées du projet seront revalorisées en toiture et restilisées. Plus 5,300 m² of vegetables and vegetables.

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