
Demonstration against OTAN in Montreal | Other arrests on site, SPVM confirms

Demonstration against OTAN in Montreal | Other arrests on site, SPVM confirms

The Montreal Police Service (SPVM) confirmed that other arrests are taking place in downtown Ville-de-Montreal, as well as a demonstration against OTAN, which is located in downtown Ville-de-Montreal.

Le SPVM is available to everyone, plus still, avoid waiting for three people during the manifestation process.

Deux hommes, aged 22 to 28, and a 22-year-old woman who was released from police work, Indica Véronique Dubuc, who received parole from the SPVM. La femme sera aussi is accused of voie de fait. All of them have been identified and are free locally. Ils devront éventuellement comparaître to respond to the charges.


Authorities are responsible for vehicles being set on fire and windows smashed during a bidding event at a Montreal soirée.

“On est très confiants que dans les prochains jours et dans les prochaines semaines, on devrait en avoir d’autres,” assures SPVM director Fadi Dagher at a press conference at the end of the afternoon. samedi. Among the 800 demonstrators, it is a group of 20 and 40 people who decided, at the last minute, to take over the fair, as explained by M. Daguerre.

Authorities are responsible for ensuring that vehicles can be set on fire and storefronts allowed to crack. Fumigens in warehouses and metal barriers in the bathroom on the street where the police work, as well as the SPVM.

A demonstration was organized among the organizations “Disinvestment in favor of Palestine and the Convergence of Free Anti-Capitalists” (CLAC). SPVM is an identification of those groups that meet your needs but are not the exact lessons. Mr. Dagher also mentioned that there is no option for most demonstrators and they are available for all other programs.

If the events undergo “extreme difficulties in anticipation”, the director of the SPVM will do impeccable work on his equipment that will allow him to survive the feast.


La manifestation is not a place for insults between politicians and demonstrators.

Benoit Allard, a member of the Disinvestment of Palestine, blames politicians for fighting the violence. That the advantages and people were blessed by the representatives of the Order. Four entrances to the hospital.

Mention that the object of the manifestation is an OTAN accomplice with the Israeli army, a suspension that led me to the genocide in Gaza, as well as war crimes in Lebanon and Syria and the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories.”

SPVM politician, may he be blessed by the one who sells, but Fady Dagher is sure that he will be beautiful at the moment.

Les émeutiers dénoncés

Politicians condemn anti-Semitic violence and rebuke Protestants for committing anti-Semitic acts.

Or, if you are acting anti-Semitic and have no understanding of the events, choose SPVM. “About déjà vu, manifestations against OTAN, and this does not concern manifestations of anti-Semites,” congratulations to Caroline Chevrefils, parole from the SPVM.

The addressee of journalists of the International Security Forum in Halifax, Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly and Defense Minister Bill Blair confirmed that the actions of the demonstrators are unacceptable.

“CE que nous avons vu, ce n’était pas une pacifique. Ce que nous avons vu, this is violence, la haine et l’antisémitisme. All you need is a place on the streets, a spear me Joly. Nous croyons à la liberté de parole. We are moving towards the freedom of the manifesto, but most of all we are drawn to violence. »


Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly

Sur les réseaux sociaux, Mto me Joly a tenu le même discours.

« Ceux qui propagent la haine et l’antisémitisme, using violence, pilling and destroying la ville doivent être condamnés et tenus responsables. L’émeute d’hier is not a peaceful manifestation and has no place in Montreal or in Canada”, at-elle écrit sur le réseau Social X.

M. Blair was delighted that the manifestation of peace was not peaceful and had no respect for the law. Selon lui, il s’agissait d’un “acte d’anarchie perpétré par un groupe de personnes.”

“Ils voulaient exprimer la haine et la violence in Montreal. In this behavior, particularly in relation to humans and anti-Semitism, we do not tolerate and do not agree with the fact that there are large farms. »


A man in the living room at the Palais des Congrès during a demonstration of evening traders.

The patron, federal prime minister Justin Trudeau, is an Australian convict with no nuance in the Montreal events. “Ce qu’on a vu dans les rues de Montréal hier soir est épouvantable. Acts of anti-Semitism, intimidation and violence cause condemnation or condemnation of those who commit crimes. GRC is in contact with local police. Les émeutiers doivent être tenus responsables de leurs actes”, at-il déclaré sur X.

The Tory chef, Pierre Poilievre, was rebuked and was prime minister of the “refuseor to denounce anti-Semites in Montreal”, on X. Video shared with the Montreux publication, showing images of the manifestation of entrecupied images of Justin Trudeau in the dance train performance “The Taylor Era” Swift” dedicated to the evening assistant. « Il a le temps de danser et de prendre des selfie. Mais il est trop occupé pour condamner une violent occupation of our streets by Hamas”, at-il écrit.

Quebec Premier François Legault, a suivi le pas. “Scenes of violence and violent acts that help us in the evening on the streets of Montreal, with attacks carried out specifically for the community of minors, which is unacceptable. Bruler des voitures et saccager des vitres, this is not a passer-by, this is the cause of chaos. Children act out of place in Quebec’s peaceful society. »


Quebec Prime Minister Francois Legault

The Bloc Québécois chef, Yves-François Blanchet, was an Australian convicted of acts of violence “that pretext the people of Palestine, serve international political extremists and fuel division and the country.”

I reproach the Australian for Mto me Joly and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau from “Huts Cris sans Faire” or “Gestures necessary to prevent these calls to violence.” The announcement of the liquidation of Canadian household appliances, where extremist proposals are accredited, mentions Canada’s special representative in the fight against Islamophobia, Amira Elghawabi.

The Parliamentary Assembly of OTAN (AP-OTAN) is reuniting in Montreal, in the same spirit. Other manifestations were the same, but not the whole Quebec movement for the world.

Avec La Presse Canadienne