
Aucune “ligne rouge” in southern Ukraine, assures the French Foreign Minister

Aucune “ligne rouge” in southern Ukraine, assures the French Foreign Minister

In an interview with the BBC, Foreign Minister Jean-Noël Barrot recalled the events in Ukraine.
There is no aucune “ligne rouge” in matiere, and he is sure.
French missiles à longue portée sur la Russie pourraient être provide “in the logic of legitimate defense.”

Complete completion of the couverture

Herr in Ukraine: Mille Jours depuis l’invasion russe

When moving beyond the Channel, the French Foreign Minister swapped with the British homolog and the answer. (new fenetr) BBC extra questions. Un Entretien au Cours Duquel le Représentant du Government a Indiqué Qu’il N’Existait Pas De “lin blush” in the material world of Ukraine.

French missiles to see Russia?

During this exchange, Jean-Noël Barrault explained that Ukraine was firing French missiles into Russia. “in the logic of legal protection”. In the event of a rematch, he did not confirm that French weapons could be used. “Le principe a été posé…our messages to President Zelensky ont été bien reçus”at-il glissee.

Il s’agit ici d’une Prize de Position “significant”note the BBC escaped in the betrayal of President Macron “Indica plus the year France became an authoritarian missile against Russia”. “The words of the chef of diplomacy prennent toutefois un sens assez for dans le contexte actuel”, “what days have already come after the missiles were delivered to the Americans and British” using this method for the premiere”.

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    Australian lira

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Jean-Noël Barrault believes that Western allies do not violate restrictions on Ukraine’s path against Russia and other countries. “ne pas fixer et exprimer de lignes rouges”. Ce soutien pourrait-il conduire jusqu’à l’envoi de françaises au military operations? “Nous n’écartons aucune option”and he answered.

“Nous soutiendros l’Ukraine aussi intensément et aussi longtemps que nécessaire”for the minister. “Parce que c’est notre securité qui est en jeu. Chaque fois que l’armée russe avance d’un kilomètre carré, la threat of rapprochement with the kilometer carré de l’Europe”at-il declaration.

In this interview, Jean-Noël Barrault suggests that Ukraine could invite Ukraine to join OTAN, as President Zelensky did upon request. “We, some, respond to the invitation, and not in our discussions with our friends and allies, but also when friends and allies of Ukraine, we work to bring our positions closer together.”