
legs, spintons, legs and 60 phone calls this day at Sophie Codegoni

legs, spintons, legs and 60 phone calls this day at Sophie Codegoni

Basciano, the price he saw, and il parabrezza dell’auto sfondato

In September 2024, while discussing the care of Piccola, Alessandro Basciano called Sophie Codegoni on the phone and was annoyed by the “insults and insults on his face.” Minacce alternates the promise of cambiamento at the end of all episodes in the note of November 13 and 14, when he claims the fight of a friend, and gli danneggia l’auto, poi Chiama Sophie Codegoni and le dice che la sta raggiungendo a casa “per ucciderla” e che non ne Sarebbe uscita viva.” The last violent mine of Alessandro Basciano was arrested in prison among the prosecutor’s office together with Letizia Manella and in the evening with Alessia Menegazzo.