
le intercettazioni, le Accuse dei Detenuti e il sequestro di 20 fascicoli

le intercettazioni, le Accuse dei Detenuti e il sequestro di 20 fascicoli

PERUGIA – Meetings, discovery conversations and parole proceedings continued during the interview. At that moment, I saw all the former judges Ernesto Anastasio, who were prosecutors in Florence and financial guards, like all Indian women, in the database of all applications for investigations of corruption cases to do the job. While Louis, sono stati indagati tr defenders of Foro Perugia, che Mercoledi Hanno Visto Bussare alla Loro Porta Le Fiamme Gialle E Tre Procuratori Fiorentini, Compreso Addirittura il Capo Filippo Spiezia, con in mano un decreto di sequestro.

During extortions and acquisitions fascicoli – in tutto circa una ventina – lo stesso procuratore capo ha rbadito, Come la Contazione dell’Articolo 318 del codece penale, quindi la Corruzione, fosse un capo di imputazione provvisorio, il filo sui muoversi per trovare give me know all the charges. Nata, come with the documents sent with us and conduct an interview with Anastasio when he comes out in November in a hurry in Corriere del Umbria, so that the superior council of the magistracy escorts him to the prison court in Perugia so that 858 pages accumulate in your letter , but it’s another disciplinary process for every entry that isn’t spent. The interview is about “favoritism” and some excuses, but not to be sure of the absence of corrispettivo in cambio. Insomma, Solo “Simpatie” e, in qualche modo, savoir faire dei Legali che, tra poste davanti al suo ufficio e richieste in Favore Dei Loro Assiti (dinamiche assolutamente lecite e legittime), Riuscivano far away and avanti le loro istanze noostante la riconosciuta inertia magistrate che ai fascicoli prefers and sonetti, tanto da passare alle cronache as “the poet’s giudice.”
Rischiando la radiazione, Anastasio in 2023, when I began to have convulsions, if he is in the magistracy, but this did not help me leave the country, being a competent magistrate in Perugia. So, we begin correspondence (the place responsible for wrong actions) on the phone with some knowledgeable people who do not require immediate intervention, and three defenders and assistants in listening to some cubs. Che agli inquirenti nei mesi scorsi hanno raccontato, as a few legal errors and another relief l’accoglimento delle loro istanze. And because he calls and three names of defenders at the last moment in the register of indagati and che, say Ilario Taddei, Franco Libori and Gianfranco Virzo, if they are completely removed from the fat competitions, ribadendo la adjustment of the efficient operato.
Le indagini della Guardia di finanza, allora, puntano a verificare proprio l’eventual aspetto illecito: tra i pochi fascicoli lavorati da Anastasio, le istanze dei tre Legali avanzavano davvero per simpatia or per la dazione di denaro or altre utilità, Come Recita l’ mortgage investigations? And for what I have not studied, sono articles acquired near venti-fascicoli, inside all copies of content from the computer and phones of three professionals. In order to ultimately achieve mutual understanding without corrections and checks, as well as in the future, solidity or exchange of accusations.
And once again, when in November 2023 Anastasio was occupied in the position of Ordin, he invited Anastasio to travel and I abandoned serious illusions, according to the advice of the chairman Carlo Orlando. E sirisrva “ogni valutazione” – you will see the President Al Messaggero – alla prossima seduta del Coa. Ultimately, del Consiglio’s decisions on discipline, as well as the requirements and evidence of disciplinary action in the event that you want these disciplinary actions to be taken by part of the three professionals.